Louise & Sophie with Tessa
PROGRAMS UNDERTAKEN: Early Learning Program, Basic Training Program, Private Consultations and Play Train
"Sit Happens came highly recommended by a friend...in fact, by numerous people when they found out we were getting a puppy!"
They have not disappointed!!!
Have absolutely loved being in a safe environment where puppies of all different breeds aren’t just running a muck off lead and potentially being scarred for life!
The knowledge our trainers impart on a weekly basis in a fun, stress free way is empowering and I can see the improvement in not just my dog but others in the class.
If you want passionate trainers who clearly know their stuff and a dog that is socially acceptable anywhere then Sit Happens is a total no brainer.
We have continued with our training to ensure a happy, well rounded dog who has integrated beautifully into our family and is developing into a well loved dog who brings everyone a smile wherever she goes!

Sam & Andrea with Selkie
PROGRAMS: Early Learning Program, Basic Program and Play Train
"We're so pleased with our results!"
“We’ve done the Early Learning, Basic Program and now Play Train with SIt Happens and we are so pleased with the results!
Selkie has learnt a lot of cues and tricks, as well as how to get along with other dogs. As owners, we’ve learnt about doggy body language and what is appropriate play and socialisation.
It’s been a really fun experience, the trainers are really lovely, engaging and knowledgable.
The other puppies and dogs were beautiful too as well as hanging out with other clients. If you put in the work, sit will happen!”

Bev and Graeme Knight with Beau
PROGRAMS: Basic Obedience
"We graduated from the Basic Obedience class last Saturday. The lessons were so beneficial. To see the relaxed, focused little dog at my feet, obeying my instructions and not being upset or anxious about anything in the environment was truly amazing."
Hello Erin,
Firstly we would like to express our gratitude for all the great progress that Beau has made by coming to “Sit Happens”. We graduated from the Basic Obedience class last Saturday. The lessons were so beneficial. To see the relaxed, focused little dog at my feet, obeying my instructions and not being upset or anxious about anything in the environment was truly amazing. Even when other dogs were barking he did not respond.
The outcome exceeded my expectations.
We also believe that participating in Doggy Daycare has been great for Beau; a big thank you again to Kate. To see Beau waltz off happily in the morning with Kate and not be that excited when we return makes us “parents” extremely happy too!!
It’s been a BIG thing for us to entrust someone with caring for Beau, and it was so good today, just to get on with what we had to do, knowing that Beau was in very capable hands.
On Saturday morning we were amazed at the improvement of Beau’s cafe style behaviour at Benton’s Square. He’s like a little magnet with dog lovers, and it was so good to see him respond well to a lady that rushed over to see him and tell him how cute he was. He did not shy away when she patted him. After this the young waitress, dressed in black, came over. Beau almost leapt out of my arms and wagged his tail. Not many people are normally privileged to get a wag of the tail from Beau. In my mind this wonderful reaction is due to his positive interactions at Sit Happens. We were so thrilled.
"As a family, we get so many comments to how well behaved and social Indy is – and we proudly tell everyone that it’s a lot of hard work all learned through Sit Happens!."
Erin and her team at Sit Happens have been such a positive part of our lives as dog owners.
Indy and I have had a long association with Sit Happens beginning with puppy school in 2011. Erin’s approach to dog training was such a positive method, and has helped enhance my wonderful relationship with my dog.
We have continued to train with Erin since the first days of training, and look forward to our weekly training sessions – enjoying obedience, agility and learning new tricks and fun!
As a family, we get so many comments to how well behaved and social Indy is – and we proudly tell everyone that it’s a lot of hard work all learned through Sit Happens! The team are always friendly, helpful and able to give great advice.
Indy attends Sit Happens Doggie Daycare regularly – keeping up with his social skills, and has so much fun, he comes home exhausted! We also take Indy to Sit Happens for our dog boarding needs, and he is so familiar with the environment that it is just a second home for him, so he never frets or is anxious to be away from his family.
I would not hesitate to recommend Sit Happens to anyone who may ask. In fact – you don’t have to ask me, I’ll tell you anyway!! Sit Happens is a fantastic dog care experience, always positive and encourage wonderful relationships with your beloved pet.

Vicki Ditcham with Indy
Basic Obedience Class
Agility Training

Bre Keogh with Max, Bella and Amber
Private Consults
"Along with valuable tools I can use every day with Max and veterinary help, I have one extremely happy, relaxed, balanced and most importantly safe dog to love and enjoy for the rest of his life."
I fostered Max nearly 2 years ago. He was a surrendered, 2 yr old entire. He had been bought at a pet shop by a single mother and left outside 24/7 denied of stimulation, training, socialisation, walks, company, veterinary attention and love. He was surrendered due to the owner being fed up with paying reclaim fees at RSPCA; where Max would constantly end up at the end of his attempts to find a better life.
Max had no concept of living inside. He didn’t even know how to sit. On his surrender form all the owner said he knew was “get out!”. Max has completed the Basic Program course twice now. He has perfected “sit”, “drop”, “wait”, “come”, “shake hands” and most importantly loose lead walking!
Max has two sisters. An English Staffy, Bella and an English Springer Spaniel, Amber. He had to learn how to live with other dogs. He had to learn how to share space and attention. It wasn’t until I officially adopted him, 6 months after our foster time, did he begin to show serious signs of food aggression and resource guarding incl. rooms and furniture. It was then I immediately enrolled him in to Private Consults.
We learnt vital tools and techniques tailored to Max’s problem areas. Without these tools and learning why he was displaying such behaviour, I regret to think where Max would be now.
I also soon enrolled Max in to Doggy Daycare. I wanted him to socialise with other dogs on a regular basis, have a day of playing with toys without worrying about whom was going to steal his toy and most importantly build his confidence. He is now socialising well with dogs of all sizes; I believe he’s made good friends with a little Pomeranian!
Along with valuable tools I can use every day with Max and veterinary help, I have one extremely happy, relaxed, balanced and most importantly safe dog to love and enjoy for the rest of his life. Without Sit Happens, their encouragement, optimism and fun classes, I would have readily failed Max.
I’ve learnt not to give up; instead to persist, continue to learn about dog behaviour and to gain the tools I need, to make a change to our lives together.