“A dog who can experience the world and most situations through observation and relaxed interaction is what Sit Happens has termed “The Whatever Dog”.
“A dog who can experience the world and most situations through observation and relaxed interaction is what Sit Happens has termed
Hi my name is Erin. I started Sit Happens when Veterinary nursing back in 2002 with little knowledge or experience but with an enormous drive. In puppy classes I found my niche and an unknown ability to view the world through a dogs eyes. This view caused me great distress as I became acutely aware of how confused and is disoriented, they could feel in this human world.
As my education grew, I realised we as humans expect too much from our pets and use aversives to communicate our dislikes, which in turn creates instability and problem behaviours driven by anxiety and stress. Once this realisation hit, I made it my life’s ambition to help domestic pets live an emotionally happier and secure life.

“We make it our life’s ambition to help domestic pets live an emotionally happier and secure life”
A force free Training community
I have been fortunate enough throughout my years of study and training to have worked alongside some amazing trainers, vets and veterinary behaviourists. I am now a part of a huge Force Free Training community, we share experiences, resources, successes, failures, support and a common goal. The road in animal behaviour is endless but a road I continue to walk with pride.
My staff and I get such joy from seeing our owners in class teach their dogs to want to respond and quite happily do so. We get a kick out of seeing the bond between owner and a god grow as the communication barrier breaks down.
What is
“The Whatever Dog”?
A dog who can experience the world and most situations through observation and relaxed interaction is what Sit Happens has termed “The Whatever Dog”. The Whatever Dog takes life in their stride, ignores external noises from the property, can observe animated dog play and highly stimulating environments without arousal or the need to interact.
The ‘Whatever Dog’ enjoys non-contact play, is content alone or with company, can settle easily in many environments, walks past pedestrians, dogs, traffic without reaction, sleeps well, accepts handling and is a genuinely relaxed dog.
The ‘Whatever Dog’ takes life like in their stride, simply enjoying life, choosing to shrug their shoulders and think ‘whatever’ when faced with a new or challenging situation.
The Whatever Dog Program begins with our Basic training course and continues in our open classes, Happy Handling course, and Confidence building course and a packages of private training sessions. For more information feel free to call the office and chat to Erin.
“Erin started Sit Happens for the highly stressed, anxious and those with already established behavioural problems.”